
Photographers vs. Clients Technology Comparison

Emir Plicanic

The first step in design process should always be to identify the audience their goals. At Banti we have two distinct audiences: photographers, and their customers. Continue reading: Photographers vs. Clients Technology Comparison»

Infographic: Why Your Clients Will Love Banti Album Proofing

Emir Plicanic

From beautiful design, and intuitive features, to easy sharing options, Banti has everything your clients need to make album proofing process as painless as possible. Continue reading: Infographic: Why Your Clients Will Love Banti Album Proofing»

Infographics: Design Elements, Principals, and Color Theory

Emir Plicanic

In these infographics, you'll find everything from principals of design (C.R.A.P), to elements of design, to color theory. Continue reading: Infographics: Design Elements, Principals, and Color Theory»

Infographic: Best Tools for Wedding Album Design

Emir Plicanic

Infographic showing best tools to use for wedding album design Continue reading: Infographic: Best Tools for Wedding Album Design»

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