In addition to embedding Banti into your website using HTML or Banti Wordpress Plugin, you now have an option of controlling the domain your albums are proofed on via the DNS.
Here’s how to set it up:
- Log in to your domain/hosting provider.
- Navigate to the DNS settings, and add a new CNAME record for the desired subdomain (i.e. albums.yourdomain.com) and point it to: bantialbumproofing.com. Save the new record and continue to the next step. If you need help with this, Google provides instructions on doing this for many of the major Domain Name providers.
- Log in to your Banti account, go to the settings menu and select the Branding option.
- Enter the subdomain you created in the step 2 (i.e albums.yourdomain.com).Note: the DNS changes may take a couple of hours to take effect.
That’s it! Your clients can now proof their albums on your domain instead of ours.
Note: Don’t forget to update link in both the default email message as well as in the due date reminder email. (Go to the settings menu and select “Email Template” and “Dates & Reminders.”)
If you have any questions or need help setting up a custom domain, contact us. We’re here to help.